Learning how to G.R.O.W - PART 3

Now for the fun, creative part.  Get ready to discover all your options….

Remember to GROW?

G         - Goal (What do you want?) Last time

R          - Reality (Where are you now?) Last time

O         - Options (What could you do?) THIS ARTICLE

W        - Will (What will you do?) See next


This is my favourite aspect of the GROW process, where you’re encouraged to brainstorm all the options available to you and trust me not even the sky’s the limit!

Options are when you can let loose and set yourself free from any restrictions, obstacles, or limitations of reality.  Options are the fun part, where you can explore anything and everything you could possibly do to reach your goal.  It’s a spontaneous, vibrant, and uplifting process of opportunity and endless avenues that can lead you to the ultimate prize you’re seeking.


It’s not yet about refining exactly what you will eventually do, it’s more about showing you all the possibilities available to help you discover the best path for your final stage of GROW, which will eventually mould your action plan.  This is where we tap into our unconscious mind and gut instincts, so as not to be restricted by potentially stifling biases, beliefs or judgements that might stop us from moving forward.


Imagine your ultimate goal is to write a best-selling novel.  You’ve done your reality check and know you’re good at writing as well as having a flair for storytelling.  However, you also realise you have no contacts in the publishing industry nor experience of writing professionally in any context. So, let’s explore, with an open mind and creative heart, all the various options that could open to help you reach, in time, your ultimate goal.  Humour me and play with this for a while. Can you think of 3 things this person could do right now, today, to help them take a step, however small towards that Booker prize?  Give it a go, just 3 things they could do.  Start right now.


Let’s see if any of yours match mine.  They might:

1.     Set up a blog on a topic of their choosing.

2.     Sign up for an online writing course.

3.     Apply for a job on a local newspaper, like this one!


When you explore your own options it's important that you keep it fun, creative, and dynamic.  Maybe use a large sheet of paper and coloured pens, a roll of lining paper is excellent for this task. Try to avoid writing linear lists or anything too systematic or prescriptive. Perhaps invite a friend to get involved and spark ideas off each other. The purpose here is to produce a wide range of varied options that you can return to eke out your favourites. Don’t be afraid to use doodling, drawing or collage to add to your picture of options available.  This way you’re creating an integrative mind map of options with your ultimate goal firmly in the centre and all the wild and wonderful paths leading to it explored around the periphery.   

When you are sure that you have no more ideas, just come up with one more”.

Sir John Whitmore



If you struggle with creative thinking, try this imagination practice first.  Look around your room and randomly select an object. Perhaps a hairdryer.  Pick it up, set a timer for 1 minute, and during that minute come up with as many ideas as you can about what that hairdryer could also be: flamethrower; air cooler; carpet cleaner; paint stripper, etc.  You get the idea, have fun and enjoy exploring the options with your object.  Young children are naturally brilliant at this so involve your children and see how much you can learn from their boundless enthusiasm for playful creativity.


Go for it, get those creative juices flowing and see how many options you end up with.  If you need help and support don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

Our final stage in the GROW process is all about refining and eventually deciding on one specific plan that you will commit to and follow.


Learning how to G.R.O.W - PART 4


Learning how to G.R.O.W - PART 2